Permeable Boundaries


Conceptual and 3D Designer
Permeable Boundaries

Embassies assume architecture as a tool for the representation of power and the denial of context. Any Awareness of context is to restrict and block access. To create boundaries.

So, Can boundaries be permeable?

We assumed the embassy to be an exchange space instead of a condensed area. We analyzed what public spaces mean for both cultures and public spaces in the USA with the highest Mexican population. We choose places depending on their function. Commercial, recreational, community, among others.

We archived the public areas and used the reciprocity of the landscape as a mobile for human interaction. When locating these archives within the site, we kept its original orientation and dimensions.

Columns have been historically used to colonize and segregate individuals from one space to the other.

Nevertheless, in this embassy, it is the strategic placement of columns and trees that acts as a gradient between the exterior and interior. It allows for transgressing boundaries. It is through them, that the intimacy and extrovert of the spaces are portraited.

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